How to Brew:

French Press

French press coffee is an amazing brewing method the flavor is incredibly rich and full-bodied. Compared to other brewing methods, French press coffee is less acidic and doesn't require paper filters, making it easier to clean up. French press coffee is incredibly easy to make, requiring just hot water, fresh coffee grounds, and a few minutes of your time. The french press is probably my favorite aesthetic brewing method.

To brew use a 1:15 ratio of coffee to water. Measure out around 53 grams of Canopy Point dark roast coffee. Don't worry if you go a little bit over, some coffee is lost during the grinding process because some of the grounds get stuck in the grinder. I set the grinder to 6, which is a coarse grind, with grounds roughly the size of kosher salt.

Next you'll want to turn your kettle on and start heating your water.

While that's heating, remove the plunger and lid and pour your grounds into the french press. Tare your scale, and once your kettle is at 195-197 degrees, start pouring your water into the grounds until your scale reads 800g, which is roughly 27 ounces.

Place the lid back on to the container and press the plunger down just until you see some coffee over the top of the plunger.

Now, wait for 4 minutes to let the coffee rest.

Once it has been 4 minutes, slowly press the plunger down until you feel some push-back from the grains at the bottom. Now you're done! Enjoy!

Brewing Temperature: 195°F-197°F or just before the water boils

Coffee Amount: 53 grams of coffee

Water Amount: 800 grams or 27oz

Grind Size: Coarse

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