How to Brew:
Ordinarily, coffee connoisseurs would use a better, more consistent method of brewing, but you work with what you've got.
To start off we're going to measure out 9 grams of Canopy Point dark roast coffee. If you don't have a scale, that's fine, just measure out 1.5-2.0 tablespoons of ground coffee into your reusable k-cup container.
If you have a grinder at home, grind your coffee to medium (roughly the size of table salt) for a good extraction. If you're wanting a bit more flavor, grind the coffee down to fine (confectioner sugar size).
Once that's ground and in the cup, insert the k-cup and select the smallest water amount on your machine. This will make the strongest cup of coffee, because the larger water quantities dilute and over-extract the coffee, leading to undesirable flavors.
Keurig is one of the weakest brewing methods, so if you want more of a kick, bump the coffee quantity up to 11 grams.
Coffee Amount: 9 grams or 1.5-2 tablespoons of coffee
Grind Size: Medium