How to Brew:
Pour overs are great because they offer a lot of control over the brewing process. You can adjust the water temperature, grind size, and steep time to tailor the flavor of the coffee to your liking. Also, pour overs are great for those who want to get the most out of their coffee since you can use a higher ratio of coffee to water for a stronger cup of coffee.
Start by getting Melitta #4 natural unbleached coffee filters. Next get your pour-over. We usually use our favorite pour-over, the clever dripper pour-over, which comes with a valve on the bottom that opens when you put it on a mug, for a better extraction.
Take one of your filters and crimp the edges, so the filter can fit. Place it in the pour-over, and then wet the filter with ambient temperature water.
Next, heat up some water to 197 degrees Fahrenheit, or if you don't have a thermometer, just before the water boils
While the water boils, grind 24g of coffee to a medium grind (akin to table salt). Pour the coffee grounds into the filter. Then slowly pour your hot water to wet the grounds, then continue after waiting a few seconds to let it soak. Pour around 360g of water.
Once you're finished, place the clever dripper onto a mug and voila! A beautiful cup of coffee.
Brewing Temperature: 197°F or just before the water boils
Coffee Amount: 24 grams of coffee
Water Amount: 360 grams
Pour Over